cloth diapers

Tips how to choose cloth diapers for your baby's health and safety.


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Diaper Etymology

The word diaper originally referred to the type of cloth rather than its use ; "diaper" was the term for a pattern of small repeated geometric shapes, and later came to describe a white cotton or linen fabric with this pattern. The first cloth diapers consisted of a special type of soft tissue sheet, cut into geometric shapes.


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4 Reasons Some Parents Choose Cloth Diapers

The debate about whether to use cloth diapers over disposable diapers has raged for years. Those who swear by disposables claim their convenience trumps any drawbacks. Those who use cloth diapers have equally-strong opinions about their diaper choice.

My spouse and I, after having used both cloth diapers and disposables, decided to solely use the latter. But, we realized that cloth diapers offer many benefits that disposables lack. In our research, experience and through conversations with others, we learned some of the main reasons why some new parents choose to use cloth.

Reason #1: Cloth Diapers Cost Less

While estimates vary widely, many experts agree that from the moment of birth through the time when a child is becoming potty-trained, new parents can expect to spend over $2,000 on disposable diapers. With the added cost of baby formula, food and other necessities, $2,000 is a significant expense. On the other hand, an entire set of cloth diapers will likely cost under $100. Also the cloth type can be reused for any brothers and sisters who may be born later.

Reason #2: Cloth Diapers Are Better For Your Baby's Health

Some parents claim that cloth diapers help prevent your child from developing skin rashes because the cloth lacks the chemicals that are often found in name-brand disposables. Though information is limited, some studies suggest a link between the chemicals in disposables and sterility and cancer.

Reason #3: Cloth Diapers Are Environmentally-Conscious

Disposable diapers go from our babies' bottoms to our nation's landfills. It's estimated that American children use 18 billion disposables each year, adding 80 tons of plastic and 1.3 million tons of pulp wood to our landfills. Instead, cloth diapers go from our babies' bottoms to our washing machines before landing back under our babies' bottoms. In other words, they have little negative environmental impact.

Reason #4: Cloth Diapers Accelerate Potty-Training

Studies have shown that when children use cloth diapers, they often make the transition from diapers to potty-training more easily. There are a couple of reasons why this may be so. First, cloth diapers don't have the ability to soak up wetness and keep your child dry like disposables. So, when your child soils the cloth type, they are more likely to feel the sensation and want to learn how to avoid it.

Second, some research has shown that many children grow attached to their cloth diapers. They began to feel a level of responsibility for them, often trying to remove them when they feel the need to eliminate. This tendency continues to grow as the child ages and eventually encourages the transition to potty-training. Though some people doubt the validity of these reasons, additional research seem to support the findings of earlier studies.

Should You Use Cloth Diapers For Your Child?

Ultimately, your decision to use cloth will depend on how important some of the factors above are for you and your family. Some new parents are extremely concerned with their contributions to the environment. Others place a higher value on convenience. Still others focus on the difference in cost between cloth and the disposable alternative. I suggest trying both. That way, you'll know from experience which is the better choice for your child.

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